Adding observations on the eyparent app
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Viewing observations on the eyparent app
Observations are a way for nursery staff to track how a child is progressing in their development. Parents can view all published observations for their children in on their Timeline. Viewing observations On your Home page, the most recent ...
Viewing planning sheets on the eyparent app
Planning sheets provide a plan on what a child should do next in order to progress in their learning goals, along with any resources and documents that you can use to help your child learn at home. As a parent, you can see any planning sheets that ...
Viewing reports on the eyparent app
As a parent, you can view reports on how your child is doing according to the development frameworks at your nursery, through the eyparent app. Once a report has been published to you, you can add comments and send it back to confirm that you’ve seen ...
Adding medicine forms on the eyparent app
Parents can create and share medicine forms with nurseries to inform practitioners of their child’s condition, and how to administer the dosages. Tap the icon in the bottom right of the Home page. Tap Create Medicine Form. The Date and Time field is ...
Viewing invoices/payments on the eyparent app
A record of all invoices and payments can be found on the eyparent app. On the Home screen, there is a section called Account Summary, where you can see the current balance due to be paid, and the sum of any deposits that you've made. Tap View ...