This article is only relevant to eylog-only customers.
Practitioners can use eylog to observe, assess, and track the progress of their assigned children. All practitioners have access to the eylog app, which allows them to make records on the system through their tablet devices.
To add a practitioner to eylog:
- Click on Practitioners in the sidebar.
- Click Add New.
- Fill out the practitioner’s First Name, Last Name, and DBS Number.
- Select an Email associated with this practitioner from the list. This should be the practitioner’s managers email.
- Upload a Photo, if you want.
- Select a Group and Key Children for the practitioner. Depending on settings, practitioners may only be able to access their key children's profiles, or just the children in their group.
- Underneath, you'll see a table with a list of features, and the options to make this practitioner a publisher or a reviewer for individual features. Publishers can publish observations/forms/reports/diaries without needing them reviewed. Reviewers can review and publish other practitioners' observations/forms/reports/diaries. Check the relevant boxes according to this practitioner's permissions.
- Click Submit.