[[ChildFirstName]] - The child’s first name as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildLastName]] - The child’s last name as it appears on the child profile.
[[LinkChildProfileform]] - A text link to the Child Profile Form.
[[LoggedInUserName]] - The name of the user who sent the email.
[[NurseryEmail]]/[[BranchEmail]] - The nursery’s email as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryManager]] - The name of the nursery manager as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryName]]/[[BranchName]] - The name of the nursery as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryTelephone]]/[[BranchTelephone]] - The nursery’s telephone number as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryWebsite]]/[[BranchWebsite]] - The nursery’s web address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[BranchAddress1]] - The first line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[BranchAddress2]] - The second line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[BranchAddress3]] - The third line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[BranchCity]] - The nursery’s city as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[BranchCounty]] - The nursery’s county as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[BranchCountry]] - The nursery’s country as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[BranchPostCode]] - The nursery’s postcode as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[CompanyName]] - The company’s name as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyTelephone]] - The company’s telephone number as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyWebsite]] - The company’s web address as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[CompanyEmail]] - The company’s email as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[ParentFirstName]] - The recipient parent’s first name as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentLastName]] - The recipient parent’s last name as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentTitle]] - The recipient parent’s title as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentPrimaryEmail]] - The recipient parent’s primary email as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentMobilePhone]] - The recipient parent’s mobile phone number as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentAddress1]] - The first line of the recipient parent’s address as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentAddress2]] - The second line of the recipient parent’s address as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentAddress3]] - The third line of the recipient parent’s address as it appears on the child profile.
[[ParentPostCode]] - The recipient parent’s postcode as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildURN]] - The child’s URN as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildDateOfBirth]] - The child’s date of birth as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildStartDate]] - The child’s start date as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildLeaveDate]] - The child’s leave date as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildGender]] - The child’s legal gender as it appears in the child profile.
[[ChildCurrentRoom]] - The child’s current room as it appears in the child profile.
[[ChildKeyPerson]] - The child’s key person as they appear in the child profile.
[[ChildAddress1]] - The first line of the child’s address as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildAddress2]] - The second line of the child’s address as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildAddress3]] - The third line of the child’s address as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildPostCode]] - The child’s postcode as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildBookingType]] - The child’s booking type as it appears on the child profile.
[[BookingDetails]] - The session date, start time and finish time.
[[Balance]] - The balance owed to the nursery by the parent.
[[Date]] - The date the email is sent.
[[BalanceDate]] - Up to which date the balance is current.
[[TermsAndConditions]] - The nursery’s terms and conditions as they appear in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[DDReference]] - The child's DD (Direct Debit) Reference, as it appears on the child profile.
[[DDPaymentCode]] - The child's DD (Direct Debit) Payment Code, as it appears on the child profile.