Creating event types

Creating event types

Whenever you create an event for a child or staff member, you have to assign it an event type. This determines the names of the fields that appear when you create a document. You can customise event types in System Settings
  1. In the top right, click on  > System Settings.
  2. Click on Events in the sidebar.
  3. Click on the  icon in the top right to add a new event type.
  4. Type in the Name of the event type, and a Description.
  5. Type in the Title Date 1 and Title Date 2. These affect the names of the fields that allow users to pick a date. For example, you may enter "Start Date" and "Due Date". If you leave this blank, the field will not appear.
  6. Check the box next to Reminders/Notifications for the date you want to receive notifications for, if you do.
  7. Fill in the Title Description and Title Notes. These affect the names of the fields that allow users to type in any extra details you may require. If you leave this blank, the field will not appear.
  8. Tick the box next to Staff or Children, or both, depending on which people you want this event type to appear for. 
  9. Click Save.
To create event types for all nurseries, go to  > Global Settings, then continue from Step 2.

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