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Step up
The Step-Up Rate is an additional hourly rate added on to staff members’ wages if they’ve temporarily taken on a more senior, higher paying role for a session. The extra rate shows up in some wages reports. You can edit the Step-Up Rate in ...
Customising the staff profile form
eypeople lets you customise the fields in the staff profile form through settings. In the top right, click on > System Settings. Click on HR in the sidebar. Click on Profile Form Setup. Uncheck the Visible box for any field you don't want to appear ...
Understanding the staff scheduling screen
The Staff Scheduling screen provides an overview of all the scheduled sessions in each room. This includes which staff members are scheduled, the number of staff members, if they’re in ratio, and how long each session lasts. You can get to the Staff ...
Sending the staff profile form
In eypeople, you can add staff members by filling out their profile yourself, but you also have the option to save yourself a bit of time by allowing staff members to fill out their own profiles. You do this by sending them the Staff Profile Form. ...
Customising staff letters
Staff Letters are simply messages intended to be sent out to multiple staff members. These can be sent out manually, or set to recur weekly/monthly, in which case you need to define some simple automation when setting up the template. Creating a ...