What follows is a list of placeholders that can be used when creating custom email templates in eyenquiries. Note that any placeholders without corresponding data will return blank.
[[ParentFirstName]] - The parent’s first name as it appears on the enquiry profile.
[[ParentLastName]] - The parent’s last name as it appears on the enquiry profile.
[[ChildFirstName]] - The child’s first name as it appears on the enquiry profile.
[[ChildLastName]] - The child’s last name as it appears on the enquiry profile.
[[NurseryName]] - The name of the nursery as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryTelephone]] - The nursery’s telephone number as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryEmail]] - The nursery’s email as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryWebsite]] - The nursery’s web address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[LinkRegistrationform]] - A link to the nursery’s registration form.
[[VisitBookingDate]] - The date of a booked visit for the recipient of the email.
[[VisitBookingTime]] - The time of a booked visit for the recipient of the email.
[[TermsAndConditions]] - The nursery’s terms and conditions as they appear in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryAddress1]] - The first line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryAddress2]] - The second line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryAddress3]] - The third line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryCounty]] - The nursery’s county as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryPostcode]] - The nursery’s postcode as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryCountry]] - The nursery’s country as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryManager]] - The nursery managers name as they appear in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[PreferredSession]] - The enquiry’s preferred session as it appears in the enquiry profile.
[[ChildDateOfBirth]] - The child’s date of birth, as it appears in the enquiry profile.
[[ChildRoom]] - The child’s room, if the child is assigned to a room.
[[ChildStartDate]] - The child’s start date (or potential start date) as it appears in the enquiry profile.
[[ReasonForCare]] - The reason for care as it appears in the enquiry profile (under the Reason field).
[[CompanyName]] - The company’s name as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyEmail]] - The company’s email as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyTelephone]] - The company’s telephone number as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyWebsite]] - The company’s web address as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[ParentPrimaryEmail]] - The parent’s primary email as it appears on the enquiry profile.
[[ParentMobilePhone]] - The parent’s mobile phone number as it appears on the enquiry profile.
[[ParentHomePhone]] - The parent’s home phone number as it appears in the enquiry profile.
[[ParentAddress1]] - The first line of the parent’s address as it appears in the enquiry profile.
[[ParentAddress2]] - The second line of the parent’s address as it appears in the enquiry profile.
[[ParentPostcode]] - The parent’s postcode as it appears in the enquiry profile.
[[ParentContactMethod]] - The parent’s contact method as it appears on the enquiry profile (under the Contacted via field).
[[LoggedInUserName]] - The name on the current user’s profile.
[[StaffTakingEnquiry]] - The member of staff taking the enquiry as they appear on the enquiry profile.
[[StaffTakingVisit]] - The member of staff taking a booked visit for the recipient of the email.
[[SourceOfEnquiry]] - The source of the enquiry as it appears on the enquiry profile (under Where did Parent hear about us? (Source))
[[FollowUpDate]] - No longer functional.
[[FollowUpTime]] - No longer functional.