eyenquiries: Creating a custom email template

eyenquiries: Creating a custom email template

In eyenquiries, email templates are an important part of workflow automation. Instead of typing out a new email for every communication, you can use a template, which will fill out certain keywords with information stored in the system. This allows emails to be automatically personalised to the recipient.

Email templates can be selected when clicking the icon to email an enquiry, or when creating rules for workflow automation.

Create a new template

  1. In the top right, click on > System Settings

  2. Click on eyenquiries in the sidebar.

  3. Go to the tabs Enquiries & Registration > Email Templates.

  4. Click on the button in the top right to add a new template.

A pop-up window will appear where you can type in your email. Write as if you’re addressing one person. The point of an email template is that you can send the same email out to multiple people, but they’ll each receive something personal to them.

For certain variable keywords, such as child and parent names, entering [[ will give a list of information that can be drawn from the system. These are called placeholders. For example, if you were sending an email to John Smith, then “Dear [[ParentFirstName]] [[ParentLastName]]” would appear as “Dear John Smith” when the enquiry receives it. 

      5. Click Save when you’re done.

Edit an existing template

  1. In the top right, click on > System Settings

  2. Click on eyenquiries in the sidebar.

  3. Go to the tabs Enquiries & Registration > Email Templates.

  4. Click on the icon next to any template to edit it.

  5. Click Override to save your changes.

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