eymanage: Assigning terms to children

eymanage: Assigning terms to children

Once you’ve created your terms, you can assign them to children so they have funded hours during scheduled sessions. You can either do this individually, or assign a term to multiple children at once. 

Allocating funding to individual children
  1. Click on  Children in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the name of the child to be taken to their profile.
  3. Click on the Funding tab on the left.
  4. Click on the  icon in the top right to add new Funding Details.
  5. Choose which Year this is for.
  6. Choose a Term within that year. Doing this will automatically fill in the Start and Finish Dates.
  7. Depending on how you measure funding hours, check the box next to either No. of Hours/Week or No. of Hours/Term.
  8. Fill in the Universal Entitlement, Extended Entitlement, and Total Entitlement for this child. Note that these cannot exceed the Maximum Funded Hours assigned in funding settings.
  9. Click Save.
Allocating funding to multiple children
  1. In the top right, click on  > System Settings.
  2. Click on Terms/Funding.
  3. Click on the  icon next to a term to assign it.
  4. You’ll be taken to a screen with a list of children. Those who do not already have terms assigned for this period can be edited.
  5. Click on the Weekly and Termly boxes in the top right to toggle between measuring funding hours as No. Hours/Week and No. of Hours/Term.
  6. Fill out the fields next to a child's name to enter their funding details.
  7. If a child is 2 years old, you can choose between one of two funding types for them: Two Year (Disadvantaged) and Two Year (Working Parents).
  8. If the child is at least 3 years old, you can select their Band for Deprivation Weighting.
  9. Fill in the Universal Entitlement, Extended Entitlement, and Total Entitlement for this child. Note that these cannot exceed the Maximum Funded Hours assigned in funding settings.
  10. Click Save.
In Step 4, we’ll use what we’ve set up in this step to generate your first batch of invoices. 

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