Getting Started: Filling out the child profile

Getting Started: Filling out the child profile

Some of the information on the child profile is there for your reference, while others have important functionality on the system. Not all fields are applicable to every product.

Let’s go over just the fields that are relevant to this guide.

First Name/Last Name: The child’s first and last name. This is a mandatory field and must be filled when adding the child.

Legal Gender: This is a mandatory field and must be filled when adding the child.

Date of Birth: The child’s date of birth. This is a mandatory field, and is also used to calculate the child’s age.

Enrolment Date: The date the child was enrolled in the nursery.

Start Date: The date the child started going to the nursery.

Current Room: What room the child is currently in. When scheduling a session, the child will be added to this room by default.

Key Person: Choose the child’s key person from the list of staff members. On eylog, depending on your Nursery Details, only the key person may be able to access this child.

Cohort Groups: Check the box next to all that apply. Primarily used as reference, but can be filtered on the Children page.

Term Time Only: Checking this option means that any sessions scheduled for this child during term holidays are automatically removed.

Parental Details 

Bill Payer: You can only send invoices to parents marked as Bill Payer.

Create Login: Checking this option will send an email to the parent with a link to activate their account on the parent portal.

eylog Access: This option appears if you have Create Login checked. Checking it allows parents to access observations, reports, daily diaries, registers, accident sheets, and medicine forms for eylog through the parent portal.

First Name: The parent’s first name.

Primary Email: The parents email address. All communications for this parent are sent to this email by default.

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