

What is eyworks?

eyworks is everything your nursery needs! A suite of Early Years software tools which cover all of your nursery management requirements in one easy-to-manage place – from invoicing and scheduling to parental engagement and children’s learning journeys, with everything in between!

What is eymanage?

eymanage is an innovative web-based nursery management platform that offers simple and flexible session scheduling and occupancy charts, provides automated funding and invoicing and simple payment processing (including Direct Debit), as well as staff management and much more.

What is eylog?

eylog is an Ofsted compliant and secure online learning journey solution. It is an integrated web and tablet based application for nurseries and childcare providers to easily capture observations and manage the learning and development journey of a child in an electronic format. eylog helps nurseries transform the process of recording observations and creating a child’s learning journey – reducing the time and effort spent on capturing, maintaining and tracking observations manually and enabling practitioners to focus more on providing the best early years education. The ultimate aim of both nurseries and parents.

What is eyenquiries?

eyenquiries helps nurseries manage new child enquiries and enrolment using online enquiry and registration forms alongside workflow and email templates to automate their processes.

What is eyrecruit?

eyrecruit is a sector-specific recruitment tracking system, providing nurseries with a single system to create job adverts, publish these across multiple job boards, receive candidate applications and manage the candidate through the entire hire process.

What is eyengage?

eyengage is a secure community platform allowing nurseries to post content, send out surveys and create events for parents and staff across the nursery/group in one go whilst remaining in  control over which audiences see each post.

What is eyparent?

eyparent is a dedicated app that aims to engage parents and help them to understand their child’s development on a more regular and real-time basis, through their child’s learning journey. Nurseries can keep parents informed and involved with comments, home observations, daily diaries, reports, accident/incident sheets and messages. When integrated with eymanage and payment gateways, parents also have a full overview of their account and can view and pay invoices online.
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