Global settings vs. system settings
If you have access to both Global Settings and System Settings, you may notice that a lot of options appear in both. For example, you can create tags, edit email templates, customise events and documents and more, in both Global Settings and System Settings. So you may wonder which settings to go to when customising the features of eypeople.
Global Settings affect all branches on the system. Anything created within these settings is usable by every branch of the nursery.
System Settings affect only one nursery branch. Things created within these settings will only be available to the selected branch.
Some settings, such as Email Templates & Letters, will show you if your branch is using the Global version or if a System version has been created. If, in System Settings, you edit an option that is marked as Global, it will become a System version. This means this change and future edits will only apply to the current nursery and won’t affect other branches on eypeople.
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