Installing the eylog app on a tablet device (Amazon Fire)

Installing the eylog app on a tablet device (Amazon Fire)

Though the eylog practitioner app can be installed on Amazon (Kindle) Fire tablets, we don't generally recommend it. Some features aren't available when using these tablets, and because you don't have access to the App Store or Google Play, the installation process is more complicated. 
When using the eylog app on an Amazon (Kindle) Fire tablet, you will not receive notifications, and you are required to use the in-built camera to upload media.

Installing the eylog apk
  1. Go your Settings >  Security and Privacy.
  2. Enable Apps from Unknown Sources to allow your device to download the eylog apk. 
  3. Go to your tablet's browser.
  4. Enter into the search bar.
  5. Click Download in the pop-up that appears. 
  6. Navigate to your downloads and open the apk file (alternatively, you can find the file back dragging down the top of the screen).
  7. You'll be prompted to install the app. Tap Install in the bottom right. 
Installing your eylog system onto the app
  1. On the web version of eylog, hover over your profile picture in the top right.
  2. Click on System Settings.
  3. Click on System. This should bring you to a screen with a QR code.
  4. Click Manual Install - Show Serial ID and Password to view the Serial ID and Password.
  5. On your tablet, open the newly-installed eylog practitioner app.
  6. Enter the Serial ID and Password exactly as they appear.
  7. Tap Install.

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