What follows is a list of placeholders that can be used when customising invoice emails in Invoice Settings.
[[AmountDue]] - The outstanding amount remaining to be paid for this invoice.
[[ChildName]] - The child’s first and last name as it appears on the child profile.
[[ChildUrn]] - The child’s URN as it appears on the child profile.
[[CompanyEmail]] - The company’s email as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyName]] - The company’s name as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyTelNumber]] - The company’s telephone number as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyWebsite]] - The company’s web address as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[DueDate]] - The date that payment for this invoice is due.
[[InvoiceAmount]] - The total amount this parent was invoiced for.
[[InvoiceNumber]] - The Invoice Number as shown on the invoice.
[[NurseryEmail]] - The nursery’s email as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryManager]] - The name of the nursery’s manager as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryName]] - The name of the nursery as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryTelNumber]] - The nursery’s telephone number as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryWebsite]] - The nursery’s web address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[ParentName]] - The recipient parent’s first and last name as it appears on the child profile.
[[TotalBalanceDue]] - The outstanding amount due for this parent’s account.