Deactivating settings

Deactivating settings

If there are options in Global Settings and System Settings that you don’t want to be usable for a time, but which you don’t want to delete, you can make the setting inactive. For instance, there may be a product that you no longer provide, but which you may bring back in the future. Making this product inactive will prevent it from being accidentally added to sessions by other users, but the details about this product will still be available to view, and it can be made active again at any time.

Making a setting inactive
  1. In the top right, click on  > Global Settings or  > System Settings.
  2. Find the setting you want to make inactive.
  3. Click on the  icon next to the setting, under the Status column.
  4. Click on OK in the pop-up window.
Making a setting active
  1. In the top right, click on  > Global Settings or  > System Settings.
  2. Find the setting you want to make active again.
  3. Make sure the drop-down menu under the Status column is set to Inactive.
  4. Click on the  icon next to the setting.
  5. Click on OK in the pop-up window.

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