Rescheduling interviews

Rescheduling interviews

Sometimes, after an interview has been scheduled with a candidate, certain details about the interview will change. Instead of cancelling the event and creating a new one, eyrecruit now gives you the option to reschedule the interview. 

Rescheduling through the candidate profile
  1. In eyrecruit, go to either the Pipeline or the Candidates tab and click on the candidate to bring up their profile.
  2. In the Events section, click on the box next to the relevant interview to bring up a drop-down menu.
  3. Select Reschedule.
  4. In the pop-up, you can edit the Date, Time, Location, and Interviewers for this interview.
  5. In the textbox at the bottom, type the email which will inform the candidate/interviewers about the changes, or choose a pre-set from the Select an email template menu.
  6. Check the box next to Separate Email to Candidate and Interviewer if you want to pick/write different emails for the candidate and interviewer.
  7. Click Reschedule.
Rescheduling through the calendar
  1. In eyrecruit, got to the Calendar tab. Note that you cannot reschedule an interview using the  Branch Calendar.
  2. Click on the interview in the calendar.
  3. Click on the box next to Mark As to bring up a drop-down menu.
  4. Select Reschedule.
  5. Now you can edit the DateTimeLocation, and Interviewers for this interview.
  6. In the textbox at the bottom, type the email which will inform the candidate/interviewers about the changes, or choose a pre-set from the Select an email template menu.
  7. Check the box next to Separate Email to Candidate and Interviewer if you want to pick/write different emails for the candidate and interviewer.
  8. Click Reschedule.
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