Signing staff in and out on the web system

Signing staff in and out on the web system

You can sign staff in and out through the Staff Register screen. Staff can be signed in and out multiple times each day so you have a record of when staff members are temporarily unavailable. 

Signing staff in
  1. Click on  Registers > Staff Register in the sidebar. 
  2. Click on the  icon next to a practitioner’s name, for the day you’re on. 
  3. In the pop-up window, click on the first field to fill it out.
  4. Choose the practitioner’s sign in time.
  5. Click Save
Signing staff out
  1. Click on  Registers > Staff Register in the sidebar. 
  2. Click on the  icon where the practitioner is currently signed in.
  3. In the pop-up window, click on the second field to fill it out.
  4. Choose the practitioner’s sign out time.
  5. Click Save
Adding additional sign in/out times
  1. Click on  Registers > Staff Register in the sidebar. 
  2. Click on the  icon where the practitioner is currently signed out.
  3. In the pop-up window, click the  button to add additional times.
  4. Fill out the first field with the sign in time and the second field with the sign out time.
  5. Click Save.
Marking absences on the staff register
  1. Click on  Registers > Staff Register in the sidebar. 
  2. Click on the  icon next to a practitioner’s name, for the day you’re on. 
  3. In the pop-up window, check one of Absence, Holiday, or Sick.
  4. Click the  icon to remove the status.
  5. Click Save.

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