What follows is a list of placeholders that can be used when creating custom email templates for staff in eypeople. Note that not every placeholder is usable by every template format, and that any placeholder without corresponding data will return blank.
[[AbsenceFinishDate]] - When an absence ends, according to the staff schedule.
[[AbsenceStartDate]] - When an absence begins, according to the staff schedule.
[[AbsenceType]] - The type of absence it is (for example, holiday, sickness, compassionate)
[[CertificateExpiryDate]] - What date the DBS certificate expires in the Documents tab.
[[CertificateIssueDate]] - What date the DBS certificate was issued in the Documents tab.
[[CompanyName]] - The company’s name as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyTelephone]] - The company’s telephone number as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyWebsite]] - The company’s web address as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[CompanyEmail]] - The company’s email as it appears in Company/Nursery Chain settings.
[[LinkStaffProfileform]] - A text link to the Staff Profile Form.
[[LoggedInUserName]] - The name of the user who sent the email.
[[NurseryName]] - The name of the nursery as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryAddress1]] - The first line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryAddress2]] - The second line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryAddress3]] - The third line of the nursery’s address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryCity]] - The nursery’s city as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryCounty]] - The nursery’s county as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryCountry]] - The nursery’s country as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryPostCode]] - The nursery’s postcode as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryTelephone]] - The nursery’s telephone number as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryWebsite]] - The nursery’s web address as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryEmail]] - The nursery’s email as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[NurseryManager]] - The name of the nursery manager as it appears in Branch/Nursery settings.
[[Date]] - The date the email is sent.
[[StaffFirstName]] - The staff member’s first name as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffLastName]] - The staff member’s last name as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffTitle]] - The staff member’s title as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffURN]] - The staff member’s URN as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffGender]] - The staff member’s legal gender as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffDateOfBirth]] - The staff member’s date of birth as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffPosition]] - The staff member’s job title/position as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffStartDate]] - The staff member’s start date as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffLeaveDate]] - The staff member’s leave date as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffPrimaryEmail]] - The staff member’s primary email as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffAddress1]] - The first line of the staff member’s address as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffAddress2]] - The second line of the staff member’s address as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffAddress3]] - The third line of the staff member’s address as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffAddress4]] - The fourth line of the staff member’s address as it appears in the staff profile.
[[StaffPostcode]] - The staff member’s postcode as it appears in the staff profile.
[[TermsAndConditions]] - The nursery’s terms and conditions as they appear in Branch/Nursery settings.