Staff grid/list/map views

Staff grid/list/map views

There are three ways you can view the information on the Staff page: Grid view, List view, and Map view. 

To change between them:
  1. Click on the green drop-down menu in the top right (this will be labelled either Grid, List, or Map depending on what view you’re currently on).
  2. Choose the view you want to see.
Grid view
The Grid is the default way of viewing the Staff page. Each staff member is shown as a box containing select information from their profile: a photo, their first and last names, what days they’re scheduled for, their Staff URN, their Primary Email, their Job Title/Position, and which room they’re assigned to.

The icons at the bottom of the box allow you to Change Staff Branch , go to Staff Scheduling , Edit Profile , or Download PDF  of the profile.

In the top left, you have a few options to filter your staff members. From the drop-down menu, you can change the order the staff boxes are arranged: by First Name, Last Name, Room, or Date of Birth.

The Show Only Inactive option, when ticked, lets you see only the staff marked as inactive on the system. Ticking the Show/Search All Branch/Nursery option will show you every staff member from every branch on the system (excluding inactive staff members).

You can type keywords into the search bar  in the top right to return any staff members whose boxes contain that keyword. This can be a name, a room, a job title, and so on.

The three icons next to the search bar let you Add Staff , Send Staff Profile Form , and Import Staff Data .

In the bottom left, you can use the drop-down menu next to Showing to choose how many staff members you want to see per page. You can move between pages using the arrows in the bottom right.

List view
The List views displays select staff information in a table (or ‘list’) format. From left to right, the table columns are: Staff URN, Name (first and last), Start Date, Leave Date, Primary Email, Create eymanage Staff Login, and Create eylog Profile. Under the last two columns, you’re able to perform certain actions. 

Create eymanage Staff Login shows whether or not a staff member has activated their staff login. If so, it will display as Activated, if not there will be a button called Create Login which, when clicked, will send an activation email to the Primary Email recorded on the staff profile. This email can be resent.

Create eylog Profile will show whether or not a staff member has a profile on eylog. If so, it will display Yes, if not there will be a button called Create eylog Profile which will create a profile on eylog for that staff member when clicked.

The checkboxes to the left of each staff member’s row allows you to select them. You can do this for multiple people. When you have staff members selected, this activates bulk actions. Click on the Bulk Actions menu in the top right and choose whether you want to Create Login for all selected staff, or give them all eylog Access

Clicking on the arrows next to each column will order them alphabetically or, in the case of the last two columns, by status. 

Map view
The Map view lets you see the locations of your staff members relative to the location of your nursery branch (marked with a ). Click on a staff member’s icon to open their profile in a new tab.

This map is connected to Google Maps. Clicking the location markers for landmarks will give you the option to view them in Google Maps.

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