Standard reports

Standard reports

eymanage comes with a long list of standard reports that collate data on various aspects of the system, from invoices to staff scheduling. This article contains a list of all standard reports, along with a brief description of what they each do. 

Activity Record: Provides a list of all children in a nursery, and which room they're assigned to. You can choose to show only children scheduled for a specific day. If you download the report as a PDF or CSV, there will be a space next to each name where you can record that's child's activities.

Aged Debtors Report: Shows the history of money owed by each child, including for the current month, the past three months, any older invoices, and the total amount due. 

Allergies, Dietary Requirements, Intolerances, Preferences and Medical Notes Report: Provides a summary of Allergies, Dietary Requirements, Preferences, and Medical Notes for each applicable child.

Bradford Factor Report: This report calculates the Bradford Factor for each staff member that has taken an absence. The Bradford Factor creates a score based on staff absenteeism, with lower scores considered better. 

Child Bookings & Products/Services Report: Generates a list of each individual booking within a time period, including products and services.

Child Progress Report - EYFS: Shows how children are progressing in EYFS by room and cohort group.

Child Scheduling Report: Shows a list of each child’s bookings, per week, per room, including details of if there have been any absences, products and services, and invoices connected to the bookings.

Children Linked to Staff Report: Shows select profile information and invoices due from children who have Linked Staff on their profiles.

Children Without Booking: Provides a list and select details of children who haven't made a booking between certain dates.

Children's Birthdays: Provides a list of children’s birthdays, including what age they will turn on their next birthday.

Children’s Booking Pattern: Shows the weekly booking pattern, across a chosen time period, for each child. Also includes summaries of extra data for that week. 

Children’s Nappy Record: A register and checklist that can be downloaded and printed out to use when carrying out nappy checks. 

Children’s Room Movement: Provides a summary of all room movements that have taken place within a month.

Children’s Sleep Record: A register and checklist that can be downloaded and printed out to use when monitoring sleeping children.

DBS Record: Provides a list of details about DBS Certificates for every staff member for which this is applicable. You can also send an email/message reminder to staff to renew their DBS Certificates from this report.

Deleted Invoice Logs: A log, for a chosen month, of any invoices that have been deleted.

Deposit Movements Report: A record of deposits created, allocated, transferred, and closed, within the time period specified. 

Direct Debit Report: Shows pending account balances for children, along with bank and direct debit details. 

Documents Report: Provides a list of details about each staff member’s or child’s documents, including a document link if one is available. 

Enquiries and Child Movements Summary: Provides a summary of all enquiry actions done per room.

Events Report: Provides a list of details about each staff member’s or child’s events, including an event link if one is available.

Funding - Term Time: Summary of funding hours allocated during term times for applicable children throughout a whole year.

Funding Loop Report: Summary of funding information for applicable children, including how many funding hours the child has used over a week, for each day of the week.

Income Forecast Report: Predicts income based on when pending invoices are due, along with products/services and funding.

Invoice Amount Report: Shows details of the amount invoiced for each child over a specified time period. 

Invoice Amount Report - Quickbooks: Shows details of the amount invoiced for each child over a specified time period, formatted so it's easier to import the data into Quickbooks.

Invoice Amount Report - Sage: Shows details of the amount invoiced for each child over a specified time period, formatted so it's easier to import the data into Sage.

Invoice Settings Report: Provides a list of details on individual invoice settings for each child. You also have the option to include individual funding settings in the report.

Meal Details: Shows details on the number of products/services consumed as meals by children over the course of a chosen week.

Minimum Wages Report: Provides a summary of staff Pay Rates to compare their wages according to ages, job titles, and hours per week.

Monthly Analysis Report: Tabulates the monthly income from each child to compare how income changes month to month.

Monthly Debtors Report: A monthly summary of payments owed by parents.

Monthly Funding Report: A monthly summary of funding details for applicable children, including their monthly funding hours, how many hours have been used, the monthly rate, and the total amount represented as currency.

Monthly Nursery Report: A summary of the nursery's total, actual monthly income (as opposed to projected).

Monthly Statistics Report: Provides a summary of nursery statistics, emailed to you as CSV.

Nursery/Branch Performance Scorecard: A summary of nursery branch performance split up by room, tallying up bookings, enquiries, and leavers. 

Nursery Milk Report: Shows the number of children eligible for the nursery milk scheme for each day of a chosen week.

Occupancy/FTE Report - Average: Shows statistics on FTE and/or Occupancy Hours% averages for Core Hours, AM Hours, and PM Hours over a single month/week, for a room.

Occupancy/FTE Report - Monthly: Shows monthly statistics on overall Average Occupancy Hours% and/or Average FTE, for a room.

Payment Allocation Report: Record of the payments allocated for a month.

Payments Report: Record of payments over a specified time period, sorted by the method of payment.

Parent Emails Report: Provides a list of parent contact details, specifically their email addresses, mobile phone numbers, and home phone numbers.

Parent and Emergency Contacts: Provides a list of each parent’s emergency contact details, including their mobile phone numbers, work phone numbers, and home phone numbers. The report also includes the parents' collection/security passwords.

Parent/Carer Details Report: Provides a summary of parent/carer details as seen on the children’s profiles.

Product/Services Rate Report: Provides a summary of the products and services on the system, as of a certain date, including their rates.

Register Report: Provides a summary of each child’s in/out times by room.

Salaried Staff Hours: Provides a summary of each staff member’s scheduled hours compared to their contracted hours, to see how many hours there are left that could still be scheduled.

Session Rates Report: Provides a summary of the rates for this nursery branch’s sessions.

Staff Detail Report: Provides a list of all staff members who have had their profile details changed within a chosen month.

Staff Details Summary Report: Provides a summary of some of the key details from staff profiles.

Staff Diversity Report: Shows ethnicity makeup percentages for each nursery branch.

Staff Emails Report: Provides a list of each staff member’s primary and secondary emails.

Staff Emergency Contact Details: Provides a summary of each staff member’s medical and dietary details, along with all their contact details and their next of kin.

Staff Extra Hours Reports: Compares staff members’ total contract hours with their total hours worked.

Staff Holiday/Staff Holiday/Balance Report: Provides a summary of holiday and sickness entitlement used and remaining for each staff member.

Staff Hours Report - Sage: Shows how many hours each staff member has worked for each week of a given month, including customisable payment references each week, and formatted so it's easier to import into Sage. 

Staff Qualifications/Training Courses: Provides a comprehensive summary of qualifications and training courses completed and in progress by staff members.

Staff Scheduling Report: Shows confirmed sessions for each practitioner over a period of time. You can also unconfirm sessions from this report.

Staff Sign in out Sheet: A Sign In/Out sheet for staff that can be downloaded and printed out. 

Staff Training Entitlement: A summary of the training entitlement used and remaining for the year.

Staff Wages - Weekly%: Tallies up the nursery’s income for a week and the wages paid to staff in the same period, and calculates what percentage of income is made up of staff wages.

Staff Wages Report: Tallies up each staff member’s activities, contracted hours, hourly rate, absences, etc. and calculates the wages they’re owed for the time period specified.

Starters/Leavers Performance Report: Provides information about children who are starting at or leaving the nursery within the chosen time period. 

Sticky Labels Report: Generates QR codes for staff or children that can be printed out and stuck around the nursery for signing in and out.

Sun Cream Report: Provides a sheet that you can download and print out to use to record when sun cream has been applied to children. 

Tags Report: Provides a list of tags held by any staff, children, or enquiries. 

Un-Invoiced Sessions: Provides a summary of the sessions that haven’t yet been invoiced within the time period specified.

WMS Report: Shows income and costs for sessions, wages, products, and services across all rooms in a nursery branch.
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