Two tier frameworks consist of Areas of learning, which are then broken down into specific Statements. Each Area can contain up to 100 Statements, and you can have up to 15 Areas.
Examples of a two tier framework include the British Values and Phonics frameworks.
Add an area
- Click on the icon next to Add New Area.
- Type the area name into the text box that appears.
- Click the icon or hit Enter on your keyboard to save.
Add a statement
- Click on the area you’d like to add the statement to.
- Click on the icon next to Add New Statement.
- Type the statement into the text box that appears.
- Click the icon or hit Enter on your keyboard to save.
Edit an area/statement
- Click on the icon next to an existing area or statement.
- Edit the current area/statement in the text box.
- Click the icon or hit Enter on your keyboard to save.
Delete an area/statement
- Click on the icon next to an existing area or statement.
- In the pop-up window, click Delete.
Reorder areas and statements
You can reorder the areas and statements by dragging and dropping them. You can also move statements between areas like this. Each area must contain at least one statement.