Understanding the dashboard

Understanding the dashboard

The dashboard is the first screen you come across when logging into eymanage, and it’s the screen you are taken to when you click  Home in the sidebar.

This screen consists of a number of graphs in the top half that provide a look at how the nursery is performing, and in the bottom half notifications about upcoming events. 

Child Bookings
This is a bar graph that displays the number of children booked per room over each hour of a given day. The colour of each bar is determined by the colour of the room it represents. Hover over a bar to see more details.

By default, the graph will display the current day, but you can switch between days of the week in the top left, and change weeks by clicking the  icons to the left and right. 

This is a line graph that shows your nursery’s income month by month, over the course of the past year. At the top you can see the total yearly income. Hovering over points in the graph will show you the income for that month. The different lines display the different income sources; there’s a colour key for them on the right. 

Income Forecast
This is a collection of pie charts that show you the forecasted income from scheduled sessions. At the top is the total projected income. Use the three tabs to see the forecast split by Session/Products, Rooms/Groups, or Nominal Codes. You can hover over a slice of the chart to see more details of projected income.

Statistics are monthly. You will see the current month’s graph by default. Switch between months using the  icons to the left and right.

Avg. Occupancy/FTE
These are two bar charts that you can switch between. One shows the average occupancy for each room as a percentage, the other shows the average FTE for each room. 

Statistics are monthly. You will see the current month’s graph by default. Switch between months using the  icons to the left and right.

Hover over a bar to see more details. The number in brackets is the maximum capacity for that room.

Overdue Invoices
This is a list of overdue invoices. Each item will display the name of the child, the invoice number, the total invoice amount, and the amount still due to be paid. Clicking on the  icon will show you the invoice in question. Under this icon is how long ago this invoice was due.

It will display the current month by default. Switch between months by clicking the  icons to the left and right. 

This displays details about eyenquiries. The four tabs let you cycle between information on Enquiries Conversion, New Enquiries, Open Enquiries, and Visits. Data is for the current month by default. Switch between months by clicking the  icons to the left and right.

The Enquiries Conversion tab displays a chart that shows what percentage of enquiries received have been enrolled or waitlisted. The New Enquiries tab shows a list of the new enquiries received this month. Open Enquiries shows a list of all unenrolled enquiries. The Visits tab shows a list of all scheduled visits for this month, who they’re for, when they’re due, and if they’ve been attended.

List items have a  icon next to them. Clicking on the icon will take you to a page with more details.

Staff Events/Documents
This is a list of upcoming Events and Documents due for renewal. You can toggle between the two using the tabs. Data is for the current month by default. Switch between months by clicking the  icons to the left and right.

Events will have a  icon next to them. Click this to mark it as complete. Both events and documents will have a  icon next to them. Click on this to see more details.

This is a list of notifications for each month, meant to remind you of upcoming Children/Staff Birthdays, Children/Staff Events, and Staff Holidays. It will display the current month by default. Switch between months by clicking the  icons to the left and right. 

Events will have a  icon next to them. Clicking on it will take you to the Events tab on that child/staff member’s profile.

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