Understanding the eypeople dashboard

Understanding the eypeople dashboard

The dashboard is the default screen you arrive at when you sign in. You can also navigate to it from any point in the system by clicking on   Home in the sidebar. The screen is split into two information modules that help keep you up-to-date on your staff. 

Staff Events/Documents
This is a list of upcoming Events and Documents due for renewal. You can toggle between the two using the tabs. Data is for the current month by default. Switch between months by clicking the  icons to the left and right.

Events will have a  icon next to them. Click on this to mark it as complete.
Both events and documents will have a  icon next to them. Click on this to see more details.

This is a list of notifications for each month, meant to remind you of upcoming Staff BirthdaysStaff Events, and Staff Holidays. It will display the current month by default. Switch between months by clicking the  icons to the left and right. 

Events will have a  icon next to them. Clicking on it will take you to the Events tab on that staff member’s profile.
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