Using opening balances for holiday/sickness entitlement

Using opening balances for holiday/sickness entitlement

When an existing staff member is added to the system, they may have more or less holiday and sickness entitlement than the default due to holidays already taken or entitlement being transferred over. You’re able to account for these differences using opening balances. 

An opening balance adds or removes a flat value to/from the overall entitlement for a year, without needing to override it.
  1. Go to the  Staff page.
  2. Click on a staff member’s name to be taken to their profile.
  3. Click on the Contract/Entitlement section in the sidebar. 
  4. Click on the  icon next to the entitlement you’d like to create an opening balance for.
  5. Fill in the opening balances for Holiday Entitlement and Sickness Entitlement. To remove entitlement, type in a negative value (for example, -8). If there is no opening balance for one of the two fields, enter 0. 
  6. Click Save.

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