Custom Frameworks
Using custom frameworks with reports
With custom frameworks comes the ability to add them to report templates. While creating a new report template, click + Add Additional Framework. In the pop-up window, check the box next to the framework you want to add to the report. Click Add. ...
Five tier framework
Five tier frameworks contain multiple Levels. Each Level contains what is essentially a four tier framework: Areas divided into Aspects, which are divided into Sub-Aspects, which are divided into Statements. You can have up to 5 Levels per framework. ...
Four tier framework
Four tier frameworks consist of Areas, Aspects, Sub-Aspects/Age Bands, and statements. And Areas will be divided into Aspects, which contain numerous Sub-Aspects, which are divided into Statements. You can have 15 Areas per frameworks. Each Area can ...
Three tier framework
Three tier frameworks are made up of Areas, Aspects, and Statements. Areas are divided into Aspects, which are divided into Statements. You can have 15 Areas per frameworks. Each Area can contain up to 10 Aspects. Each Aspect can contain up to 100 ...
Two tier framework
Two tier frameworks consist of Areas of learning, which are then broken down into specific Statements. Each Area can contain up to 100 Statements, and you can have up to 15 Areas. Examples of a two tier framework include the British Values and ...
One tier framework
The one tier framework consists only of a list of Statements. Unlike other frameworks, these Statements are not grouped into Areas and Aspects, but are displayed all at once as a list. A one tier framework can contain up to 100 Statements. The ...
Copying frameworks to other nurseries
When creating a Nursery level Framework, you only have the option of allocating it to one nursery branch. However, once it is created you can copy the framework over to other nurseries. Any edits made to these copied frameworks will still only apply ...
Allocating frameworks to nurseries
When creating Chain/Group level Framework, you can choose which nurseries this framework is allocated to. This can be changed at any time from the Custom Frameworks page. Hover over the profile icon in the top right to bring up a menu. Click on ...
Creating a custom framework
Hover over the profile icon in the top right to bring up a menu. Click on System Settings. Click on Custom Frameworks in the sidebar. In the top right, click Create. You’ll be taken to a page with a choice of five types of framework to create. See ...
Introduction to custom frameworks
eylog now gives you the option to create Custom Frameworks. There are five types of frameworks you can choose from, each based on a structure of a pre-existing framework, such as Development Matters or EYFS, depending on what you need. The standard ...