Creating a learning plan
A learning plan is formatted similarly to a Summative Report, but it’s entirely focussed on a child’s next steps. Learning plans can only be filled out on the web system. Click on Children in the sidebar. Click on a child to bring up their profile. ...
Sharing the planning sheet with parents
Planning sheets can only be shared with parents through the web version of eylog, after which they can view the sheet through the parent portal or parent app. Parents will only be able to see the Planned Area and Activity and Linked Resource(s) ...
Moving/copying planning to another week
You can have completed planning sheets moved or copied to different weeks. Moving a sheet will move all the information from a planning sheet to another week while erasing the information in the current planning sheet. Copying a sheet will copy all ...
Filling out the planning sheet
You can use planning sheets to keep track of the next step in each child’s development. These sheets can be linked to documents and resources that can help the child progress towards their learning goals. Filling out the planning sheet on the ...
Uploading resources/documents
When resources and documents are uploaded to the web version of eylog, they are automatically shared with parents whose children belong to the relevant groups. Resources/documents uploaded this way can then be attached to planning sheets. Uploading a ...