Using workflow automation with eyrecruit
Workflow automation helps you streamline your recruitment process. It's made up of rules that trigger actions when certain activities are performed. For example, you could set it up so that marking a candidate as Disqualified sends them an email. In ...
Email template glossary
What follows is a list of placeholders that can be used in email templates, and what information each draws from the system. [[ApplicationDate]] - The date the candidate applied in the format Day/Month/Year. [[BranchAddress1]] - The first line of the ...
Creating custom email templates
Though eyrecruit comes with an application confirmation email template by default, all others must be created by the user. Add a new template In the top right, click on > Global Settings. Go to Recruitment. Click on the Email Templates tab. Click on ...
Introduction to email automation
Email automation is a way of streamlining communication between candidates and the hiring team. Instead of typing out an email for every candidate, you can use an email template, which will automatically fill out candidate-specific details using ...