Getting Started: Step 2
End of Step 2
Congratulations on finishing Step 2! The next thing you should do is book your Getting Started training with one of our team. If you haven’t already, you can book it here. This will be a 1-hour screen sharing call that will guide you through updating ...
eylog: Selecting frameworks
Before you can use an assessment framework in observations, they need to be enabled on the system. You can do this in System Settings. Hover over your profile picture in the top right. Click on System Settings. Click on Frameworks. Click Submit when ...
Getting Started: Filling out the staff profile
Most of the fields in the staff profile function primarily as reference. However, there are several fields in the Profile tab that have system functionality. Note that not all fields are applicable to every product. Let’s go over just the fields that ...
Getting Started: Adding staff
You add staff in much the same way you add children. For staff, the fields that we recommend filling out at minimum to get started are: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and Primary Email. Importing staff data As with children, the eyworks team ...
Getting Started: Filling out the child profile
Some of the information on the child profile is there for your reference, while others have important functionality on the system. Not all fields are applicable to every product. Let’s go over just the fields that are relevant to this guide. First ...
Getting Started: Adding children
When adding a child, you will be prompted to fill out some of the child’s details. Though you should include as much information as you can, at minimum we recommend filling out these fields to get started: First Name, Last Name, Legal Gender, Date of ...
Getting Started: Creating rooms/groups
Before you can start adding children and staff, you need to create the rooms that they’ll inhabit. Rooms/Groups represent the physical rooms you have in a nursery. eylog-only customers have slightly different and more limited options compared to ...
Step 2: Introduction
Welcome to Step 2 of the Getting Started guide! Now that you've had your Welcome Call, let's explore some of the basic features shared across all eyworks products in this step. We will look at how to set up groups/rooms, add children and staff to the ...