Creating custom email templates

Creating custom email templates

Though eyrecruit comes with an application confirmation email template by default, all others must be created by the user.

Add a new template
  1. In the top right, click on > Global Settings.

  2. Go to Recruitment.

  3. Click on the Email Templates tab.

  4. Click on the icon in the top right.

A pop-up window will appear where you can type in your email. For certain variable keywords, such as candidate names or job titles, entering [[ will give a list of information that can be drawn from the system. 

For example, if you were sending an email to John Smith, then “Dear [[CandidateFirstName]] [[CandidateLastName]]” would appear as “Dear John Smith” when the candidate receives it. 

You can check what each [[ placeholder refers to here.

Edit an existing template

  1. In the top right, click on > Global Settings.

  2. Go to Recruitment.

  3. Click on the Email Templates tab.

  4. Click on the icon next to the template you want to edit. 

  5. When you’ve made your changes, click Update.

The Application Form template can be edited, but not deleted, as it is tied to system functionality.

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