Creating custom email templates

Creating custom email templates

For email templates that don’t have a specific function on the system, you can create custom templates. These can be selected when sending a message to a staff member or a parent.
  1. In the top right click on  > Global Settings.
  2. Click on Email Templates & Letters.
  3. Go to Staff > Custom or Child > Custom.
  4. Click on the  icon in the top right to create a new template.
  5. Enter the Name of the template, and the Subject.
  6. Type the body of the message into the text box. Entering [[ will give you a list of available placeholders. Words enclosed in square brackets will be substituted with information from the system when the email is received. You can find out what each placeholder does for staff members here.
  7. In Reply To, select which email address should receive replies from this recipient.
  8. Click Save when you’re done.

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