Flat Rates: These provide a single price, either per session or per hour. Choose whether you want to charge Per Session or Per Hour and type in the Rate.
Multiple Rates: Choosing this option allows you to set different rates depending on number of hours booked, days of the week, times of day, which weekdays have been booked, and age groups. Fill out the rate/s for this session in the appropriate field/s:
- As Per Hours/Week: Choose this option if you want to charge parents different rates depending on the number of hours booked. This rate type gives you the option to turn on Incremental Rates, which means that parents will be charged a different rate each time they reach an additional time increment, when otherwise they would be charged one rate for the whole period.
- As Per Weekdays: Choose this option if you want to charge parents different rates for different days of the week.
- As Per Days/Week: Choose this option if you want to charge parents different rates depending on the number of days they've booked in a week. Use the Monthly Rate field to adjust session rates for parents who book every operational day in a month.
- As Per Times/Day: Choose this option if you want to charge parents different rates for different start/finish times within the booked session. If you want to give a discount to parents who book a specific number of hours a week, fill out the fields under Discount Setting.
Check out
this article for more details about how to fill out each multiple rate type.