Monthly calculations

Monthly calculations

For children who have Equally Spread (Annualised) invoices, a button called Monthly Calculations will appear in the top right of the Invoices screen on their profile. Clicking on it brings up a window that shows how Equally Spread invoices are calculated for each month. 

With Equally Spread invoices, the cost of all sessions is equally spread out over a year, so parents are charged the same amount in each invoice.  Invoices are calculated using a Calculation Factor, which is (Number of Weeks the Nursery is Open in a Year)/(Number of Months the Nursery is Open in a Year), or 52/12 by default. This value is multiplied by the weekly total from a sample week, and used to determine the average monthly cost across the whole year. Funding reduction is then applied to determine the invoice amount for each month. 

On the Monthly Calculations screen, click on one of the  icons on the right to calculate the amount for that month. Clicking on the  icon next to that will copy this amount to all subsequent months. You can also override any value in any field by clicking on it and typing in  a new number.

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