The Staff Scheduling screen provides an overview of all the scheduled sessions in each room. This includes which staff members and children are scheduled, the number of children and staff members, if they’re in ratio, and how long each session lasts.
You can get to the Staff Scheduling screen by clicking on eymanage > Staff Scheduling in the sidebar.
Overview of the screen
Along the top of the screen you’ll see the colour code for the room schedules. This helps you see at a glance whether a room is in ratio, among other things.
Below the colour code, you can see the W/C (Week Commencing) date, the Weekly Wage %, which refers to the percentage of income spent on wages weekly and a summary of the current Filters Applied to this screen.
Most of the screen is taken up with
room schedules. They’re sorted by alphabetical order, apart from the
Consolidated Room View, which is always at the bottom by default. You can customise how rooms are sorted by clicking on the

icon in the top right. In the pop-up, you can drag and drop rooms to change which order they appear on the screen, or click on the

icon to toggle whether you want them hidden. Hidden rooms won't appear on this screen, nor in the filters. Click
Save when you're done.
You can find the
Filters button next to the

icon. Clicking on this brings up a window that lets you control what kinds of sessions you want to see on this screen. By default, all
Staff and
Statuses are active. In the
View By field you can choose whether to view the information a
2 Weeks, or a
Month at a time. You can also select whether to display each day as a
Full Day or divided into
AM/PM. Use the
Date field to select the starting date for the time period you're viewing.
Checking Consolidated View Only will only display the
Consolidated Room View.

If you’ve made a change to the Filters, checking the box next to Default View in the top right will make those settings the default when you return to this screen in the future.
The expanded room view
The room at the top is expanded by default; to expand other rooms, click the

icons to the right.
An expanded room shows the
staff scheduling graph, and below that, what sessions are scheduled over a period of time. The top row shows the
Date. The row below shows how many
Children are in the room on that day (hovering over the number of children will display the children’s names, the length of their sessions, and their sign/in out times). Below that is the number of
Staff (hovering over this will display the assigned staff, the length of their sessions, and their sign in/out times). The colours of these boxes indicate whether the rooms are in ratio; the colour key is at the top of the page.
Below this, you can see each staff member assigned to this room. Under their name is their job title, and then their scheduled and contracted hours, presented as Scheduled Hours/Contracted Hours. Click on the
icon to view more details about them. Next to their names, you can see their scheduled shifts for each day. Some shifts may be marked with a coloured line; there is a colour key at the top of the page. If more than one is applicable, the line will be made up of multiple colours. The table will indicate if there is more than one shift booked for a day. Click on the box to view them.
In the top right of each expanded room are the Options. Clicking on this will give you the ability to Unconfirm Shifts, Delete Shifts and Download the room schedule as an Excel file. Next to the Options are the Publish Shift and Confirm Shift buttons, which allow you to publish and confirm any new shifts added to this room.